I would recommend the D.A.R.E. program due to the success we just mentioned as a result of the study done on the students at various stages in their education. And there are many other studies as well that indicate success (D.A.R.E., n.d.). That, to me, is the proof that the program works.

Not having known a great deal about this program, I was impressed when I reviewed the various research studies and the basics of the program. Particularly, I think the fact that it has reached so many classrooms across the country with practical information is valuable.


D.A.R.E. (n.d.). Research, resources, evaluations. Retrieved July 2, 2009, from dare.com: http://www.dare.com/home/Resources/Default5647.asp?N=Resources&M=16&S=0

Darnell, A., & Emshoff, J. (2008, July 24). Findings from the evaluation of the D.A.R.E. prescription and over-the-counter drug curriculum. Retrieved July 2, 2009, from dare.com: http://www.dare.com/home/Resources/documents/DAREReport0821_final.pdf...
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