Therefore, in cases unrelated to ileocecal valve malfunction, large distal bowel obstruction is a direct function of LaPlace's Law at the area of the cecum. For the same mechanical reason, the most frequent location of colonic perforation is also at the cecum because it is the area of the largest diameter, and therefore, most susceptible to rupture in comparison to areas smaller in diameter.

11. What are the major types of movement of small intestine?

The first major type of movement in the small intestine is peristalsis. The second major type of movement in the small intestine are discrete clustered contractions, which are comparatively small movements. The third type of major movement in the small intestine is giant migrating contractions, which are larger versions of peristaltic contractions believed to serve a bacterial cleansing purpose.

12. Describe gastric acid feedback function

Gastric acid feedback is controlled by nerve endings in the...
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