Communism, at first glance, seems to be the exact opposite of fascism. Its supporters often describe it as a paradise, where each person does what they can and gets what they need. Efficiency is not the consciously stated goal, but it is the "natural state of being" theorized by Communists. In reality, the two types of government are only one step removed from each other; Communism requires just as much control over individuals as Fascism. The essential difference is that in the ideal form of Communism there is no government at all, but instead the people all work together by communal agreement, whereas in Fascism the government remains in complete control, if only (ostensibly) at the interests of the people. Also, Communism requires even distribution of wealth and work based on need and ability, while fascism can allow for a much more stratified society, with each individual's place rigidly defined...
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