Meanwhile on the subject of obedience, an article in American Psychologist (written by the former research assistant to Milgram at Yale University) poses the following question: if Milgram's experiments / research were conducted today, in 2009, "would people still obey… " (Elms, 2009, p. 34). The answer given in most cases by Elms is that "…a current measure of obedience to destructive authority would find substantially less obedience than Milgram did" (Elms, p. 35). Elms backs up his assertion by pointing to the "important lessons" that "a large portion of our populace should have learned" by now (Elms, p. 35). Those lessons include the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King and the wisdom "other social activists" (i.e., the "group" that has influence on the "self") who have raised legitimate issues like racial prejudice, government deception and corruption, and domestic violence. These leaders that Elms alludes to should be, Elms goes...
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