Instead of passively accepting the circumstances of others and surrendering control, an existential therapist might focus on the question, "Although you have lived with certain patterns thus far in your life, now that you recognize the consequences of some of those patterns, are you willing to discuss creating new ways of dealing with life's situations?"(Ibid).

On the positive side, existential therapy offers a relatively easy introduction to psychotherapy for most counselors. It stresses self-determination, the acceptance of personally responsibility, and provides perspective for understanding the role and value of anxiety and guilt. It is positive and proactive in that it encourages the individual to embrace life's journeys -- birth, evolution, death -- and to become comfortable making personal decisions based on their needs, without "needing" others (Schneider, 2007).

Conversely, existential therapy lacks a complete statement of principles and practices that can be delineated within the profession. Often, practitioners, because of...
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