At this stage, the patient plans to make positive changes within one month. The staff needs to reinforce the ideal that the patient has what it will take to succeed (Walker, Greene, & Mansell, 2006). Rewarding small initial steps is an important part of helping patients in this stage of development.

The next stage is the action phase, which usually lasts for 3-6 months (Prochaska & DeClemente, 1982). During this time, the patient is actually practicing the new behavior on a daily basis. They are in the process of restructuring old cues, relying on social support, realizing their self-efficacy in achieving the changes. During this stage, the patient may feel as sense of loss of things that they used to enjoy. The patient needs encouragement to continue on their path to healthy behavior. They need a support network upon which they can rely to help encourage them in their new...
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