The degree to which Rudd has withdrawn from Howard's hardline stance has significantly and positively altered the scenario for refugees.

7. This is absolutely the case. The War on Terror period has been veritably defined by the imbalance with which the issue has been treated. With all respect to the tragedies of 9/11 and the Bali blast, the number of casualties in these isolated incidences is miniscule compared to those provoked by disease, poverty, environmental abuse and ecological disaster. Undue attention to security concerns has sapped us of the resources to adequately confront these problems.

8. The discussion here is not as much framed by whether or not Hezbollah is correct. Quite certainly, if it was to be seen as a true political organization or governing body as recognized by the world community, it would also be forced to commitment to greater acquiescence to global military and political will. Still,...
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