violence in Bhagavad Gita and the Song of Roland

In contrast to current conceptions of violence as problematic, in ancient societies violence was an accepted part of daily life and acting violently was even seen as a heroic attribute. In the Bhagavad Gita, the struggles of the central protagonist Arjuna with Krishna are portrayed as a dialogue between Man and God. Arjuna despairs at his fate at having to kill his relatives during a time of war. It is the man Arjuna who is reticent about the violence while Krishna urges him on to do his dharma or purpose in life. "This is precisely Arjuna's dilemma: to conform to his inherent duty as a warrior and fight and by doing so slaughter his enemies that are also his kinsman, or to lay down his arms and disrupt the natural and social order" (xiv). The text of the Bhagavad Gita clearly...
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