Hcahps Scores

HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) is a national survey that asks patients in regards to their experiences during a recent hospital stay Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany, Ga.

Compare the scores to state and national averages

Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital when compared to the state and national average, it is clear that they have the highest score with state coming in last. It appears that when it comes to things like nurses and doctors communicating well, they had quite a bit of patients that were satisfied with their experience

Compare the scores to two other hospitals in the region

Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital was compared to Palmyra Hospital and Lee County Memorial hospital. It appears that when it comes to patients experiences with nurses, doctor and staff, Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital had a 10% lead over the other two hospitals. Also, when it...
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