Spiritual Assessment

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization (JCAHO, 2008; JCAHO, n.d.) recognizes the importance of the spiritual component of a patient's evaluation. It covers his ways of coping, prayer life and religious practices, which make his life meaningful. This component, therefore, becomes an indispensable aspect of his total health care (JCAHO, JCAHO).

Part of the chosen spiritual assessment of the sample patient is composed of the following questions:

How does the patient visualize his spiritual life?

Is the patient contented or happy with his spiritual reputation?

How does he cope with a sense of guilt?

What is his and his wife's spiritual status in the community?

What is his spiritual dilemma that creates psychosomatic symptoms?

Assessment Findings

The male patient will be 54 years old in three months' time, a second-highest ranking official in the largest private coconut-growing coconut entity in Florida. He has worked at this...
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