Evidence-Based Project Implementation Issues: Pressure Ulcers

Evidence-based research as opposed to evidence-based practice is defined as "research [that] is generating new knowledge about a phenomenon or validating existing knowledge…Although evidence-based practice may have opinion -- expert opinion, but opinion still -- woven in, research is built in such a way to avoid bias" ("Evidence-based practice and avoiding confusion," 2014). Experiments must have controlled variables to ensure that extraneous data does not influence the result. In the case of my DNP project, the use of two-hour turning and positioning to decrease pressure ulcers in elderly bed-bound patients in nursing homes, one clear issue is the extent to which the patient's poor health could influence outcomes. Nursing home patients can have a variety of issues which could impact the results and both experimental and control groups must be carefully balanced. "More than 100 risk factors of pressure ulcers have been identified in...
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