Assimilation, integration and multiculturalism 'Capricornia' Novel written by Xavier Herbert was published on Australia Day in 1938; that created quite a stir in the Australian community. The Novel expressed Australia's exact assimilated conceptual community and described variously as 'an Australian Masterpiece destined to be a classic and as disgusting and repetitive' (Castles, 2012).Herbert's (1938) description of living in Capricornia in mythical Port Zodiac is thinly disguised as Darwin, (Northern Territory) was a bold interpretation of Southern and Northern 'white Australian' Life.

Explain the premises of assimilation, integration and multiculturalism in case of Australia?

The policy was assimilation was in full control in Indigenous affairs from duration of 1930's to 1960's. The basic definition of assimilation is the same which was finalized in 1963 by the aboriginal affairs ministers. The assimilation policy holds that aborigines and half aborigines will continue to live with the same standard of living as rest of...
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