Alaska State Republican Party Structure

Alaska State Party Structure

The structure of the state Republican Party of Alaska is organized according to three primary levels: A State Executive Committee, a State Central Committee (SCC), and District Committees. Two levels of conferences are organized: A State Conference and District Conferences ("Alaska Republican Party," 2013).

The Alaska Republican Party is governed by the State Central Committee (SCC) ("Alaska Republican Party," 2013). The State Central Committee membership consists of party leaders, district chairs, and members who hold the SCC bonus votes ("Alaska Republican Party," 2013). During the times when the Republican Party convention is not in session, the SCC controls party affairs and creates policy ("Alaska Republican Party," 2013). To become a member of the local party committee, an interested person needs to contact a district chairman of the State Central Committee (SCC) ("Alaska Republican Party," 2013). The Republican Party officers and delegates...
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