Grieving Process

Literature Search on Grieving Process

Grief refers to a natural process that follows a loss (significantly) such as the loss of a loved one. Grief is accompanied by emotional, social, mental, spiritual, and physical fatigue due to the hopelessness and burns out secondary to the loss. The severity of the grieving process depends on different factors such as the relationship between the dead and the affected and the duration of the illness that led to the loss. The symptoms of grief vary depending on the severity of a loss. Among them, include guilt, hopelessness, gloominess, and depression among other symptoms. However, grief is considered a normal process in relation to the loss, lengthened and/or severe grief complicates the health of the affected. As such, several theorists, including Kubler Ross analyzed the grieving process to create understanding and the ways of managing the symptoms faced by the affected (O'Connor,...
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