Leonardo Da Vinci

Regarded one of the most innovative and talented individuals of his time, BBC (2014) describes Leonardo da Vinci as "one of the greatest creative minds of the Italian Renaissance, hugely influential as an artist and sculptor but also immensely talented as an engineer, scientist and inventor." A clearly multitalented individual, Leonardo da Vinci was born on the 15th day of April, 1452 (BBC, 2014). He was born out wedlock. His father was a prominent attorney while his mother is described in various texts as having been a simple peasant girl. As he grew up, Leonardo da Vinci spent most of his time with his father and was later on sent to Andrea del Verroccio - an accomplished painter and sculptor, as an apprentice (BBC, 2014).

One could say that it was while under the apprenticeship of Andrea that Leonardo da Vinci further developed an interest in paining...
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