genogram I created of my current family situation along the lines of Bowen Family Systems Theory (BFST). It will explain my perceived role within the family dynamic as well as current 'triangles' and tensions in my family. It will address areas that need improvement in terms of family relationships as well as rate my own sense of self-differentiation from other family members. Finally, it will conclude with a review of how useful this self-understanding will be in my social work. Ultimately, "BFST emphasizes the importance of personal identity and relationships" (Murdok 211).

As the only girl in the family and the youngest member, the 'role' in the family I was forced to play was often that of the 'fragile' one that everyone had to protect. My parents were fairly lenient with me in terms of indulging me and my brothers were often told to look after me. I internalized a...
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