Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Postoperative Patients

this is a nursing research evidence-based practice project paper. THIS IS A NURSING PROJECT. SINGLE SPACE. 6 PAGES FOR THE PROJECT, 2 PAGES FOR THE LISTED INFO Directions: 1. You developed EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING PRACICE PROJECT (EBP).

What are the best practices to prevent pressure ulcers in postoperative patients?

This project aims at implementing evidence-based prevention strategies for pressure ulcers in postoperative patients.

There are many risk factors associated with pressure ulcers such as lack of movement, poor nutritional intake, hypothermia, and dry skin. Postoperative patients are at increased risk of developing pressure ulcers because they often have long period of immobility and poor nutritional intake. As a result, they experience pain and discomfort and poor quality of life as a result of pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers are preventable using strategies such as repositioning of patients to prevent accumulation of pressure, use of mattress overlays...
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