This occurred with religious leaders telling them how the U.S. is root causes of all of their problems. After they returned, the two were angry and wanted to lash out. (Bodden, 2014) (Feifer, 2014)

A major sporting event, was the best way of achieving these objectives. The Boston Marathon was the perfect target. This is because it was open and the security was lax in contrast with others. Second, there were large crowds of spectators and participants. This meant that there would be tremendous amounts of collateral damage. (Bodden, 2014) (Feifer, 2014)

They chose the finish line, as it was the one point with the most publicity it receives and could injure the greatest numbers of people. The plan called for detonating one bomb and then having a second explosion during the rescue. This made first responders and the general public their targets of opportunity. (Bodden, 2014) (Feifer, 2014)

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