This is underscored by the brief history of organic farming as
described in the text by Paull (2006). Paull would refer to a British
agriculturalist named Lord Northbourne, who would coin the term organic
farming to refer to that which viewed the whole ecology of the farm as
something which must be preserved. In his work with Lyons (2008), Paull
would renew his endorsement of organic regulatory measures, this time in
response to increased consideration of nanotechnology as a way to stimulate
food growth. This is a finding which is usefully supplemented by the
finding in the article by Badgley et al (2007), which found that in
comparative studies to traditional methods, yields from organic agriculture
were equally high. This indicates that organic methods do not damage
efforts at improving world hunger even as they protect the environment.
This underscores a primary impetus of organic farming operations
which is denoted...
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