Software Tools for Qualitative Research

Data Analysis Software Packages

Exploring Options for Research Software Tools

As a quick reference tool, I created a table to compare primary features of three data analysis software packages: NVivo 10, Atlas.ti 7; and HyperRESEARCH (which also includes HyperTRANSCRIBE as a separate complementary option). This information is shown in Table 1, which is provided at the end of this work.

After reviewing the software packages for data analysis, I believe that using a software package would be very helpful, supporting my research and enabling me to conduct data analysis more efficiently and effectively. My mixed methods approach in this study means that I will be managing and collecting both qualitative and quantitative data. Since all three of the data analysis software I have reviewed have the capability to analyze both qualitative and quantitative data, I will discuss each software package as it relates to my...
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