Value of Pharmacist's Services

What is the current level of compensation for pharmacists in the United States?

The position taken on this paper is that the pharmacist in the U.S. is earning very close to what he/she should be earning based on patient needs and services provided. The compensation for a pharmacist, in other words, is basically fair, with only a slight adjustment needed (perhaps $10,000 more a year) in the foreseeable future to be considered a just salary.

Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the annual "median pay" for a pharmacist in the U.S. is $116.670 -- or $56.09 per hour ( Those figures are based on the year 2012, so two years later that could be a different number. The number of pharmacists in the U.S. In 2012, the last year figures are available for, was 286,400 (

The website claims that the median "expected salary" for...
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