Color Priming

What do you think of the influence of color on consumer perception of freshness?

Priming, particularly in a retail setting is pivotal to generating sales and revenue growth. Retail is a peculiar industry as the barriers to entry are relatively low. Theoretically, anyone can start a retail operation. The advent and subsequent utilization of the internet creates further competitive pressures within the industry. Consumers now have more choice in regards to their purchasing decisions. Retails therefore must respond with tactics designed to encourage consumption and brand loyalty. Priming is one such technique that has been used by retailers for years. Priming, particularly through use of human senses provides an atmosphere designed to encourage enjoyable feelings, which ultimately translate into higher sales.

Consumers react fundamentally to colors because color helps humans simplify their surroundings. It is estimated that roughly 80% of information reaches our brains via our eyes. It...
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