Childhood Obesity in America

The authorities can only address the issue of childhood obesity by educating people on the negative effects that the condition imposes, because only then can they get everyone, whether personally affected or not, aboard, and working towards a common childhood obesity-eradication goal (The U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2013). In order to do this, however, the authorities themselves ought to be at the forefront; people need to see the seriousness of the matter through the willingness and commitment of their leaders.

The family unit can rightly be regarded as the innermost fundamental element of a child's life (Jeor, Perumean-Chaney, Sigman-Grant, Williams & Foreyt, 2002). The role of parents and caregivers cannot be overstated when it comes to the determination of what a child eats, and their attitudes towards physical activity (St. Jeor, et al., 2002). Children view their parents as their primary mediators of change, and, in...
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