Abortion: Pro-Choice

Abortion (pro-choice)

Women in the United States faced many difficulties before the legalization of abortion. The case of Roe vs. Wade is famous as this case allowed for the legalization of abortion K. Jones & Chaloner, 2007.

Before the legalization of abortion, there were women who still aborted illegally, and all that legalization provided for was a safe environment for the women to perform abortion. Legalization of abortion provided women with a choice in regards to keeping the pregnancy to term or terminating the pregnancy. This choice is and has been a controversial one, which results in many debates for and against abortion. The debates regarding abortion have not favored women as it was earlier thought, since there are women who still cannot access abortion services. Women of color were mostly disadvantaged before abortion was legalized, but the situation did not change after abortion was legalized. Colored women...
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