sponsored Terrorism

Terrorism has a long history on the international stage. It is the use of violence by specific groups looking to change the politics of a country or region. Starting with Guy Fawkes trying to blow up Parliament and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, terrorists tended to be small groups of likeminded individuals, who received non-state support. The 1970s saw the introduction of terrorist groups funded by governments (Gareau, 2004). These state sponsored terrorists, were a covert method of governments to wage war and carry out their interests without international scrutiny. Today, while states are apprehensive of publicly supporting any sort of terrorist activity, it does exist. The Darfur conflict is a modern example of state-sponsored terrorism.

The conflict in Darfur started in 2003; the people of the Darfur region were growing dissatisfied with their political marginalization and chronic economic underdevelopment, along with elements of ethnic tension, which...
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