Hellenistic Art

As Hellenistic art is gradually transformed into Roman and early Christian art, the concept of pathos continues to play an important role. Discuss pathos in the evolution from Hellenistic to Roman art and the emergence of pietas as a marker of Roman/Early Christian art.

The Hellenistic period is focusing on artworks created in the timeframe between: the death of Alexander the Great (in 332 BC) to the beginning of ancient Rome. The pathos is the emotions and feelings tied directly to various works and their underlying meaning. For the Hellenistic period, this had an influence on the Romans based upon the styles and techniques that were utilized. They focused mainly on creating a sense of balance, showing the human side of their deities and projecting everyday people (using these attributes). ("Beyond the Borders of Classic Greek Art") ("Hellenistic, Etruscan and Early Roman Art")

This was accomplished through utilizing...
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