Qatar's Foreign Direct Investment Law

Qatar's Foreign Investment Law

Why is Qatar Attracting Foreign Investors?

Qatar's Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign Investor

How to Apply

Investment Laws

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Qatar's Investment Environment

Qatar's Foreign Investment Law

With a population of approximately 1.7 million people, Qatar happens to be one of the tiniest states in the Arab Gulf. Although Arabic is the official state language, English remains one of the country's most widely spoken languages (CIA). The country's capital is Doha. Being a constitutional monarchy, it is also important to note that since the 19th century, this Gulf Arab State has been under the leadership of the Al-Thani family.

According to the state's Ministry of Economy and Commerce -- MEC, the country has in the recent past been striving to make economic diversification a reality. In the words of MEC, "although oil is the main contributor and component of the gross domestic...
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