Counterfeiting Law in France:

Similar to other developed countries, France has a unique system of safeguarding intellectual and industry property rights. This system is not only applicable to creative or artistic rights but is also used to govern patents, trademarks, designs, and drawings ("France Intellectual Property Law," n.d.). Generally, the country's intellectual property law covers three major areas i.e. intellectual rights within the country, intellectual property rights outside the country, and intellectual property rights within the European Union by European patents. One of the most important aspects of intellectual property law in France is anti-counterfeiting law. While counterfeiting is an offense that is relatively difficult to understand, it has considerable effects on intellectual property rights. In the past few years, France has enacted various measures to help deal with this crime, particularly the anti-counterfeiting laws.

Counterfeiting is a crime that can take various forms such as illegal downloading, which makes...
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