Church Jesus Christ Latter-Day v. Amos Here details: Read case titled, "Corporation Presiding Bishop Church Jesus Christ Latter-Day v.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day v. Amos

As a church employer in your religion, what reason would you give for requiring that the building engineer be of the same religion?

In the case of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day v. Amos, although the gymnasium in question was open to the public who were not Mormons, the express intention of the religious institution running the facility was to promote its faith and a positive image of its faith. Having a building engineer who was not a Church member and who engaged in practices forbidden by the church such as smoking, drinking caffeine or otherwise violated Mormon teachings thus impeded the church to use its promotion of the gym for that express purpose (Bennett-Alexander & Hartman 2009: 528). The building engineer,...
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