Car Brake Case Study

Hello. Imagine case: You work a car brake company. You invention customers launched. The product brake light indicator shows strength brake. Red strong, yellow medium, blue low brake. Please following: -Evaluation: Evaluate concepts-based consumer reactions, firm characteristics market opportunities, select winning concept

Car brake company case study

Cars are growing increasingly 'smart.' Some industry-watchers even believe that the cars commonly driven in the future may even 'park themselves.' It is true that "Honda is developing a self-parking car, the idea being that you'd show up at the store (or airport?), pull up in front of the entrance, get out, and your car would park itself. When you're done with your shopping…your car would find its way back to you" (Aamoth 2013). Regardless of the viability of this particular idea, there is greater interest in cars that take the stress out of driving and assume many of...
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