communicates trends affect industry (career path've chosen-Dental Hygiene) ten years. Make create a complete, relevant, effective attention getter; include complete transitions main points; wrap a memorable conclusion.

Current trends affecting the dental industry

Although many occupations are being outsourced, you can't outsource your dental care!

With the aging of the population and increased demand for physical 'perfection,' the demands placed upon the dental industry and career opportunities are likely to increase.

Demand for dental profession: Demographic trends

It has been estimated that "roughly 60 to 70% of the adult American population seeks routine dental care -- a rate that is believed to be holding stable," indicating that there will be a sustained need for the profession in recent years (Lavers 2013).

B. Demand will increase because of population growth in populations with high levels of need: "Based upon census data, the number of people ages 60 to 79 is projected...
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