Catheter-Related Infections

Central Catheter-related ICU Infections

Central Catheter-Related Infections in ICUs

Reducing Central Catheter-Related ICU Infections in Michigan

Reducing Central Catheter-Related ICU Infections in Michigan

Teams of clinicians at five hospitals across Michigan reported their efforts to reduce the frequency of catheter-related bloodstream infections in intensive care units (ICUs) through the implementation of five patient safety measures: (1) hand washing, (2) full barrier precautions during insertion of central venous catheters, (3) use of chlorhexidine to clean the insertion site, (4) avoid using a femoral site for catheter insertion, and (5) never leaving unnecessary catheters in the patient (Pronovost et al., 2006). The intervention was based on the published research findings from five research groups: Berenholtz et al., 2004; Cohran et al., 1996; Eggimann et al., 2000; Warren et al., 2004; and Warren et al., 2006. Three of these studies investigated the efficacy of interventions on catheter-related bloodstream infections in an...
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