
Maltby Lauren E., Elizabeth Lewis, and Tamara Anderson. "Women and Work: Supporting Female Colleagues in Psychology." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 28.3 (2009): 72-79. Print.

In this particular article, the authors revisit the subject of gender discrimination and the various obstacles working class women face. In so doing, they also highlight the plight of working mothers. In their own words, sexism or "gender discrimination occurs whenever a person or persons are put at a disadvantage compared to other groups because of their gender." In that regard therefore, sexism could include gender and sexual harassment, discriminatory hiring (and firing) decisions, etc.

According to the authors, sexism is a common phenomenon in many places of work. Indeed, many women as the authors point out report discriminatory practices against them and many other structural obstacles in their places of work. Some of those giving their views on this particular topic cite a...
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