Foster care is a harsh reality for many children in our society. After reading Chapter 15, answer the following questions:

How is the effectiveness of Foster Care often inhibited?

At Coachella Valley California, three factors prohibit the effectiveness of foster care: communities, children, and families.

Communities: the families of children placed in foster care live in an environment characterized by structural deficiencies and poverty, or basic needs believed to characterize stable communities. Often, these families lack basic needs such as employment opportunities, adequate housing and job skills and the means to offer sufficient clothing, food, and medical care. Dangerous surroundings, housing inadequacy and economic deprivation pose the greatest obstacle to a successful foster care. Abandonment is the prime reason for placing children under foster care: inadequate housing is the key element tied to it (Berrick, 2009). Families living in these challenging financial straits demonstrate concrete needs like sufficient food. Even...
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