Human Trafficking

The goal to eradicate human trafficking in today's modern society is an admirable one, and one that should be attainable. As Gallagher states in a 2011 study "The TVPA lays down minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking as well as detailed criteria for evaluating the performance of states" (Gallagher, 2011, p. 381). Gallagher goes on to compare the TVPA with similar international laws and finds that on an international basis "The international machinery available to expose the many ways in which individuals exploit each other for private profit, to identify government toleration of or complicity in that exploitation and to evaluate national responses is weak and highly compromised" (p. 396). However, the same study determined that most governments are working diligently on a year-to-year basis to up their performance and take seriously the problem of human trafficking, and therefore there is a light at the end of...
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