The tradition of the family, then, is the cornerstone of a moral and ethical life, for Catholics. The consequences and turning from that to a more secular view will result in a movement away from God, and thus nullify the basic principles of human creation (Walter and Shannon, 2005, 134-40).

For modern Catholics, then, it is important to point out that there are "abiding substantial values that all disputants share and want to protect: the holiness of marriage, generous and responsible openness to life, the human character of the expression of married love, the fidelity and stability of marriage and respect for life" (McCormick, 1993).


Benedict XVI. (May 10, 2008). "On the 40th Anniversary of the Encyclical 'Humanae

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Campbell, F. (1960). "Birth Control and the Christian Church." Population Studies.

14 (2): 131-47.

"Humanae Vitae." (July 25, 1968). The Vatican Archives. Cited in:...
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