English Language Learning (Native Speakers)


Language Overall





Implications on reading and writing

Practical Approaches

Birth -3 mo.

Cries, responds to tone, attentive to special sounds, and begins to vocalize.

Reflexive and diverse cries, coos and gurgles.

Verbal play, some consonants, laughing.

No understanding

Sounds or intensity as opposed to meaning.

Music and talk to child

Double syllables, MAMA, tunefully vocalize

Vocalizes pleasure and pain; initiates speech, reproduces babbles.

Increased sounds and imitation

Very little understanding

Truck red; hungry eat, etc.

Use of words and instructi8ons, jargon and jabber before frequent

Imitates some words, asks questions using intonation, vast improvement in tone and sound.

Stage I morphemes; nomination,

Most language is noun based, finger pointing, usually sentences are 2 words.

Action + Agent, Agent + Object, etc. (Daddy is laughing, I push the truck)

Very imitative stage

Show pictures of nouns and ask questions

2-4 years...
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