Teen Suicide

Suicide among teenagers is one of the great tragedies of our world today. It affects families, schools, and the community (Bostik and Everall, 2007). Interestingly, many teenagers who go through suicidal feelings overcome them, if not with ease, then at last in time. This could be an important factor in devising prevention and intervention strategies, especially for high-risk cases where the teens in question may not overcome their feelings. Currently, not much is known about how adolescents overcome suicidal feelings. Hence, Bostik and Everall (2007) conducted their study around this phenomenon to determine how intervention strategies could be devised around preventing suicide in teenagers by helping them to overcome such feelings.

In general, studies on suicide have focused on identifying risk factors for suicide in teens, with emphasis on variables such as demographics and psychiatry. The authors point out that little evidence exists to suggest that these studies...
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