Organizational Behavior - Analysis of Problems with the Top Leader Team at Greenlife

Whenever an organization changes in any way, central problems in organizational behavior often result (Rousseau, 1997; Barley & Kunda 1992; Goodstein, 1994). This is evident within Greenlife, where the top leader team is demonstrating some critical failures and lack of cooperation.

Organizational moral behavior can only be obtained through a true "cooperative effort among all employees" (Holmes, et. al, 2002, p. 85) which is not the case at Greenlife. With the change in executive management that recently occurred between Lucy and Jane, things have gone awry, and the organizational structure at present more resembles a dictatorship than democratic environment. Jane has taken over and rather than encouraged top leader participation and collaboration, she has fostered an environment of dissent based on forced control and the illusion of consent.

A management is a successful organization has the responsibility...
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