By helping to solve their problems voluntarily, Bayer can avoid circumstances like the aspirin debacle by building a stockpile of goodwill to be used later.

One step Bayer should undertake is to continue to be aggressive in meeting FDA guidelines on the taking of Cipro. The company should include these recommendations, in English, on supplies sent to Mexico, because they know that some of these will end up in the U.S. Given the nature of the anthrax scare, however, Bayer should increase its labeling standards. Consumers are more likely to take the drug inappropriately under these circumstances. Although Bayer would not have had any way to knowing it at the time, they could have faced significant risk if their labeling, in light of the panic, was considered to be inadequate (Wyeth v Levine, 2008). Therefore, Bayer should support the recommendations of the CDC, as that should meet the standard for...
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