Race: An Illusion

The concept of race has no place in today's globalizing world. In fact, it is a damaging illusion. Not only does the idea of race allow false beliefs to develop, but it allows the concept of "them against us" to develop. In such a reality, race becomes a pride-producing rallying point around which blatant discrimination, injustice, and atrocities spring.

The idea of race as a meaningful concept is no longer useful in today's globalizing world. Increasingly the physical boarders that once separated groups possessing distinct racial characteristics -- characteristics thought, perhaps to represent evolutionary changes allowing environmental survival, are no longer static. Indeed, the fairest Irishwoman can be found living in the deepest depths of the Sahara, while the darkest Ghanaian can be found shivering in the bitter Wisconsin winter. Race no longer divides geographically. However, the illusion of race as a significant division based on other...
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