Homeowners and small farmers in windy, flat areas are already using the wind as a source of power. However, the use of wind energy is problematic: the wind provides an intermittent source of energy, and once captured, it must be rationed carefully.

Solar energy

Power plants and homes with solar power systems or solar panels can use the sun as a heat source or source of renewable energy. However, solar power, like wind energy, is problematic because of its intermittent nature, particularly in areas of the country that have high energy needs and relatively low exposure to the sun (NREL, 2009). Residential homes in California and the Western states have used solar power, with some success.

Geothermal, hydroelectric, and tidal energy

Drilling into the core of the earth to extract geothermal energy uses ground heat water to produce steam, which then powers electric generators. It is more easily to control...
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