Health Tips for Diabetes and for Preventing Heart Disease

Tips for Healthy Living with Diabetes

Understand Diabetes: It is important for people with diabetes to be well informed about the disease. You should know what effects diabetes has on your body, how to recognize symptoms of high and low blood sugar, how to monitor your blood sugar levels, and what to do if your blood sugar becomes unstable.

Don't be a Couch Potato: It is important to stay active. Keep physical activity up by choosing hobbies like gardening or dancing that are both fun and physical. Park farther away or chose to take the stairs. Physical activity doesn't have to be strenuous or boring to be beneficial.

In addition to watching your sugar intake, be sure to eat a wide variety of foods. Carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat milk should be included in a healthy diet. Avoid...
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