Expressions of the Word living with us, such as that in Luke 23: 34 nourish one's spirit. Jesus' prayer for forgiveness for those who crucified Him mirrors sustenance that fuels healing and love. In His death, Jesus models the way God does things; the way He shows his love; His forgiveness. Grace, God's unmerited favor, extends not only to those who crucified Him centuries ago; it forgives those today who, in spite of their utter unworthiness - trust Him, God's grace and mercy came through Jesus Christ at Calvary, where He prayed the prayer that echoes its power throughout eternity: "…Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do…" (Luke 23:34a). This prayer, as the researcher asserted at the start of this paper, serves as the ultimate example of forgiveness, as it portrays God's love, inherent in forgiveness, as serves as a guide for those who follow Christ to...
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