Demon Haunted

Did you ever watch people as they are checking out at the grocery store and push their cart by the gossip rags that declare, "Man with Six Heads Found in Utah," or "Aliens Revisit Woman for Tenth Year in a Row"? Even if not buying the paper, the shopper often either picks it up and reads some of the stories or steals a look when it appears that no one is looking. There is something about the strange and unusual that attracts people. At best, individuals read the stories and laugh. In the worse case scenario, they actually believe the articles. Unfortunately, says popular scientist Paul Sagan, too frequently people do not have enough skepticism and will accept bunk as truth.

Demon-Haunted: Science as a Candle in the Dark, Sagan's last book before his death last year, discredits such pseudo-scientific beliefs as faith-healing, palm-reading and alien abductions and...
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