reign of Hitler and the actions of Nazi Germany are a dark page in human history. It has been well established that Hitler studied the tactics and policies of different dictators to create a regime that spread terror throughout Europe and the world. The purpose of this discussion is to examine how Bismarckian and Prussian Conservative/Authoritarian polices provided a stepping stone to Nazi Germany. First, we will explore the parallels between Nazi Germany and the policies and tactics that were used by Bismarck. In addition, our investigation will focus on the manner in which Prussian Conservative/Authoritarian policies influenced Nazi Germany.

Bismarckian Influence

Otto Von Bismarck is the notorious leader for which Bismarckian politics is named. The historic and controversial figure is essential to European history. Bismarck is credited with national unification and creating policies that changed Germany and the rest of the world forever. Initially, Bismarck's approach to foreign affairs...
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