Cisco Systems Culture

Organizational Goals for Recruiting and Retaining Employees

Cisco is a company that has a high rate of retention on its employees. According to Yves Lermusiaux, in his Recruiting at Cisco, the company's highest turnover rate in the 90s was 7.3%. In 1999, it only has 6.3% of turnovers. Randall Birkwood, Cisco's Director of Employment, states the following formulas with regards to retaining employees (Lermusiaux, 2000).

The right culture for Cisco's employees

Its focus on empowerment

Communication and team-centric organization

To have a customer-centric organization

Cisco values people skills. Its goal is to provide its employees with what they need in today's changing economy. It aims to meet employees' expectations. This includes security and opportunity to gain more experiences. Cisco considers people as its most important investment. Based from his interview with Randall, Lermusiaux (2000) indicates that Time has come for organizations to understand that the role of...
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