South Africa under the apartheid system

Apartheid was a socio-political policy of segregating and discriminating the citizens and even visitors in South Africa between 1948 and 1994.The system was put into action by the government of the minority white population. The system's basis of segregation and discrimination was pegged on the color of the skin.

The system categories people into four distinct groups. The groups included blacks, colored, Asians and whites.

The Apartheid policy was made possible and implemented in 1950 by the Population Registration act of 1950.The policy was later referred to as the separate development policy. The Act divided the South Africans into three racial groups. The categories that were originally created included the black African (Bantu),mixed race (colored), and white. Later on a new category was created which included Pakistanis and Indians. The group was referred to as Asian.

The enactment of the apartheid system was a...
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