Richard Bolles states in his best-selling book What Color is Your Parachute? "We want to feel we were put here on Earth for some special purpose, to so some unique work that only we can accomplish. We want to know what our Mission is," (309). Bolles likens one's career goals to a religious mission, a significant undertaking that demands total commitment, dedication, and love. A mission entails more than just a job, and even more than "just" a career. Rather, a mission implies total fulfillment in all areas of life. When I fulfill my dreams, I will not only be financially secure but I will also enjoy a rich social and spiritual life. Initially formulating a mission statement forced me to examine my moral values as well as my talents, dreams, needs, and desires. On page 8 of What Color Is Your Parachute? Bolles suggests that the first step in...
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