Lies by Eva Stachniak

Eva Stachniak's book Necessary Lies is a book whose main character is mostly based on the author's own biography. He book is about life in Poland in communist times, the cultural shock encountered by an immigrant to Canada from a communist country, a destroyed marriage as a consequence of the estrangement of the spouses, love and betrayal. Up to a point, the book is dealing with the difficulties every immigrant encounters when moving form Europe to North America, or even from a country to a different country from the same continent. The protagonist here is just carrying the burden of twenty-eight years of living in communist Poland, until she immigrated to Canada in 1981.

The main character in Necessary Lies left Poland the year following the workers strike that led to the formation of the Independent Self-Governing Union Solidarnosc, under Lech Walesa's leadership.

From the moment...
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